Happy and condescending: When gum disease sets in.

Happy and condescending: When gum disease sets in.

Today we are talking about gums. I know many people who consider themselves abandoned to their fate when they notice bleeding gums. But why?

Receding gums, gingivitis, periodontitis

Gums are soft tissue that gives additional support to our teeth. Healthy teeth mean healthy gums. It is a form of symbiosis: one cannot without the other.

We spoke with Professor Giorgio Lombardo, professor for Periodontology at the University of Verona asked for answers to our questions.

Graduated in Medicine-Surgery with highest honors. Specialized in Odontostomatology and appointed Associate Professor. At the University of Verona is in charge of teaching Periodontology and Implantology. Speaker at National and International congresses.


What is the cause of inflamed gums?

Except in rare cases where gingival inflammation is due to systemic disease, in the vast majority of cases underlying gingival inflammation is inadequate removal of bacterial plaque. The patient can be held directly responsible for this if he or she does not perform the appropriate maneuvers with the appropriate instruments and timing. In some cases, however, he or she cannot be judged too harshly, if, for example, there are local conditions such as subgingival tartar scales, rough or overflowing fillings, or incongruous prostheses that, acting as a receptacle for plaque, prevent its removal no matter how much effort is expended.


How do I recognize gingivitis?

Of gums appear reddened, slightly more swollen, easily bleeding at oral hygiene maneuvers, and sometimes this is accompanied by a widespread and very uncomfortable sensation of soreness.


Now what? Should I go directly to the dentist?

Certainly the best thing is to go to the dentist for a checkup. The inflammatory condition could be precisely sustained by some local factor to be removed or some anatomical situation to be corrected. All of this, however, must be accompanied by motivational reinforcement and greater commitment to personal oral hygiene i.e., plaque removal to the extent that it is the patient's responsibility.


What can I do at home against gingivitis?

Do not be frightened by pain or bleeding-all will pass as soon as the plaque and tartar are removed. The patient should then take charge of the removal of supragingival plaque by properly using a toothbrush and floss or, if the latter is no longer appropriate, an interproximal brush, all accompanied by rinses with antiseptic mouthwashes. I highly recommend, however, that you consult your dentist so that he or she can put in place the right measures for the removal of tartar and any other plaque retention factors that may be present.


How long does it take to treat gingivitis?

The time required is directly proportional to the effectiveness of the oral hygiene maneuvers put in place, whether home or professional. Once effective plaque removal procedures are put in place, gingival inflammation disappears within a few days


What is periodontitis?

Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease to the onset and progression of which many factors contribute, but which is always associated with the presence of a periodontopathogenic bacterial biofilm. It is characterized by progressive loss of tooth support, with the appearance of bone defects, periodontal pockets, and gingival bleeding.
Periodontitis is a serious public health problem because of its high prevalence, which can lead to tooth loss and disability, adversely affect chewing function and aesthetics. It is a source of social inequalities and impairs quality of life.

Not only is periodontitis the leading cause of tooth loss in adults, resulting in chewing dysfunction and high dental care costs, but it is also capable of having a negative impact on overall health.

How to brush teeth with periodontitis?

Brushing teeth with periodontitis can be uncomfortable because of inflamed gums. In that case, brushing your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush is better. The promis toothbrush has 6750 very soft bristles to increase cleaning of plaque bacteria while sensitive to gum disease.

What can I do at home against gingivitis?

In cases of periodontitis a specialist is needed. For info and appointments from Prof. Lombardo, visit www.miro.bz.

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